First Bee Hive

The Langstroth Bee Hive.

The Langstroth Bee Hive.

There are so many types of Beehives from which to choose. In this video, we are going to talk about the Langstroth Bee Hive, probably the most recognisable Hive in the world.

Urban Bee Keeping: Expectation vs. Reality

Urban Bee Keeping: Expectation vs. Reality

Thinking about getting involved in Urban Beekeeping. Great! But first, read this blog to better understand what you are getting into.

Healthy Bees means Healthy Cities

Healthy Bees means Healthy Cities

Healthy bees are a good sign of the overall health of the environment of our cities. We have to ask the question though, what exactly does that mean? How do we quantify that a healthy city can be discerned from its urban bee population?

What do we do? Part 2

What do we do? Part 2

We have a few goals that we want to achieve. What are they and how will we get there. Those are the questions we will continue to answer in Part 2 of our blog, What do we do?

My First Hive

My First Hive

I know what you’re thinking, what does this have to do with a Bee Keeping movement in Australia? Well, it’s this back story that leads us to where we are today.