We strive to educate our community about the importance of our bees through active community involvement.


In a world where our food seems to be travelling further than most of us would in our life time, bees are under more pressure than ever. These hard working girls help to pollinate thousands of plants, and many of our food crops. They help contribute to a strong and healthy environment in so many ways.


Even though our buzzing friends are so helpful, in our ever increasing cities, they are struggling to keep up with us. We want to give them a hand!



So what is it that we do and how do we do it?

Find out more here. ➤


Want fresh local pure raw honey, bee-related products and much more? Check out our online store.

Find out more here. ➤


Do you want to join up and be one of our Urban Bee hosts?

Find out more here. ➤


Want to learn more from our friends about healthy living or maybe you just want a sweet treat?

Find out more here. ➤