The world we live in is getting smaller. Our cities are growing, our tastes are expanding, and our impact is ever increasing.
In 2013, I (Matthew Sweeney) started working with bees in my parent's backyard while studying at RMIT University. Through trial and error, I continued my learning experience, building up hives, learning to catch swarms and to manage them, and of course, enjoying a little honey now and then.
But one thing that struck me as I enjoyed my new hobby was just how little my community understood bees. I heard horror stories of people spraying beehives with insecticide out of fear. People would often ask me once they found out I was a hobby beekeeper, if it was “dangerous” or if I got “bitten” by the bees on a regular basis.
It struck me just how little, we, as a community know about these little helpers of ours.
They have so much to offer us!
They pollinate the plants that give us food. They help our flowering plants produce seed so that we can continue to enjoy their beauty. They provide food for our beautiful native birds, and I can assure you, no one is in danger of being “bitten” by a bee. (Being stung on the other hand is a different story)
I wanted to share the joy of these beautiful little creatures with everyone, teaching them about bees and helping people to understand how important they are for us. That’s why in November 2018, my wife (Chantel) and I started Urban Bee Project Australia.
Together, we work hard with friends in our community to increase the numbers of bees in our urban and city suburbs. Helping to create a healthier and happier environment for everyone, and now and then, enjoy a little of the beautiful honey they give us in return.
We do this by partnering with our Bee Hosts who accommodate the hosting of one or more beehives on their property. We in exchange teach them how to care for them and show them the difference they make. As a reward, some local honey right from their backyard.
Our caring for the hives and ensuring their health and safety is our first priority. We do sell whatever surplus we have accumulated in our caring for the hives but only as it comes in, so stocks can be limited. This includes Pure Raw Honey, which is available in various sizes and you may have the option of buying honey from a hive close to where you live. We also sell various other Bee products. If you would like to support us, please send us an inquiry to and we will be happy to arrange a delivery of honey.
If you want to learn more about being a Bee Host, have look at our current projects.
We strive to look after our little helpers, and we hope that you will see these gentle little creatures as the wonderful, hardworking little friends that they are.